About: Suryakiran

Suryakiran Bhumireddy

Bio: Working as a Senior Technical Manager at Audintel Inc., Surya Kiran is well-versed in supply chain management. He has a vast knowledge of data analytics and optimizing shipping processes. Surya Kiran was previously associated with EnVista, a supply chain and enterprise consulting firm. He has16 years of IT and Logistics experience

Posts by Suryakiran:

  • Optimizing shipping services for a global branding company 

    Posted on: 06 Feb 2020

    A global branding company needed to make effective decision for evaluating and selecting the most suitable and cost-effective shipping carriers for different locations. Dealing with a large daily shipping volume, the data for this type of a process is complex, pertaining to multiple locations around the world, variable package sizes as well as different carrier […]

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