
How to get a refund for late deliveries with FedEx Money-Back Guarantee?

Customers expect shipment deliveries on time. If a delivery is delayed, customers may not order from the shipper again. Sometimes, they may not even raise a complaint but shippers may lose revenue and the trust of customers. Did you know that shipping carriers, such as UPS and FedEx, give a refund for late deliveries on request? If not, then read on and get to know about refunds given by FedEx, such as the FedEx Money-Back Guarantee.

What is FedEx Money-Back Guarantee?

FedEx is a multi-national parcel carrier that promises on-time delivery of packages. If a parcel delivery is delayed by 60 seconds or more, they promise a 100% refund on shipping charges. This refund policy offered by FedEx is known as FedEx Money-Back Guarantee (MBG). It is for small parcel services (Ground and Express) and is initiated only on shippers’ requests.

Requirements to avail FedEx MBG

The shipments that have an exact delivery commitment time are entitled to refunds. To avail FedEx Money-Back Guarantee, shippers need to provide information such as:

  • Tracking number
  • The date of shipment
  • Origin and Destination of the shipment
  • Schedule date time
  • Delivery date time

The submission of the claim should be within 15 calendar days from the invoice date.

How does Audintel submit claims for FedEx MBG?

Audintel is the right logistics partner to make refund claims easier for you. Audintel automatically uploads the data taken from clients into its state-of-the-art auditing software. Audintel’s software monitors the scheduled date and delivery time of the packages. On behalf of their clients, Audintel identifies if a package is on time or late.

Further, a request is made to FedEx for Money-Back Guarantee in case of late deliveries. The refund request is through FedEx Billing Online or the invoice adjustment feature at

Money-back Guarantee for FedEx service failure

FedEx has to refund shippers’ transportation charges when there is a service failure. The refunds are given only on request. There is no commitment for delivery of shipments on which there is a suspension of FedEx Money-Back Guarantee. The conditions under which shippers are eligible for FedEx Money-Back Guarantee are that FedEx has to refund or credit transportation charges on request. This refund is applicable if a package gets delivered in 60 seconds. Or later than the committed time for a particular destination. There is one refund for each FedEx package delay.

A request for Money-Back Guarantee should include the FedEx account number, airway bill, tracking number, weight of the package, the shipment date, and receipt’s name, address, and ZIP code.

Audintel receives refunds for its clients from the shipping carriers. The refund gets seamlessly credited into the client’s accounts. Audintel shares the refund amount with the client after charging a nominal commission fee.

Exceptions to FedEx MBG policy

FedEx Money-Back Guarantee has certain exceptions. FedEx will not provide refunds due to these exceptions. The exceptions are:

  • Customs or regulatory delays due to errors in documentation
  • Undeliverable or Ground returned packages
  • FedEx package with an incorrect address
  • Shipments containing dangerous goods or dry ice shipments
  • Non-payment of duties and taxes before customs clearance or at delivery
  • Incomplete recipient information
  • Oversize or unauthorized packages
  • Unavailability of eligible persons to accept the delivery or sign the package
  • Shipment on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and seven calendar days before Christmas

To get FedEx MBG, trust Audintel

Many shipping companies do not realize that they lose money by not claiming FedEx’s Money-Back Guarantee. Audintel processes the claims for shippers and helps in getting FedEx MBG. An automated audit system at Audintel monitors FedEx packages for late deliveries.

We help our clients in getting refunds. Audintel’s interactive dashboard displays the refund process, which is easily visible to clients. The requests for refunds are within the stipulated time. We save 3-5% shipping costs every month for clients with FedEx MBG. Our clients trust us to get FedEx MBG without any hassles.

To sum up

Shippers must save money wherever possible. Shipping carriers like FedEx do not give refunds for late deliveries unless requested. Busy shipping companies may find it a hassle to keep track of late deliveries, losing revenue in the process. Audintel helps solve the difficulties of these shippers. Using Audintel’s automated software, clients get FedEx MBG for late deliveries. For further details, write to us at [email protected] or please visit our Audintel website, or contact us at +1 (619) 354 8539.

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